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Latest Videos for BaseHead


Activating BaseHead Using FLOATING CLOUD LICENSE

BaseHead offers the option for a “Floating Cloud License” option which allows you to install and use BaseHead on any system you like. All you need to do is simply enable the cloud license option on your account, download the cloud license file to any system you wish to use and you can now run BaseHead as long as you have internet access. See this video on how to set this up and also, if you are a facility with multiple licenses how you can easily setup all workstations to use any of your available licenses making it quick and easy for users to work from any machine or even at home without worrying about which license is in use.

Activating BaseHead Using SystemID Or USB Method

This video demonstrates how to activate your copy of BaseHead using the License Activator Utility and either a SystemID or USB key activation method. If you are a new user or you need to know how to update an existing license for a new system, lost USB stick or you have extended your maintenance plan and are having issues authorising your copy of BaseHead follow along this short video to get going.

Importing Media Files

An overview of how to get your sound files into BaseHead

PeekTree Overview

A full overview on all the features and available nodes in the PeekTree

UCS Files & Metadata

Importing and managing UCS tagged files, retagging your existing library with UCS category data and using the UCS category browser

Drive \ Path Remapping

Demonstrates how to remap drives and folders when moving your media files around or when going between mac and PC.

Importing \ Exporting Text Files

An overview of importing data into basehead from Text Files. If you need to import data that has been exported from a rival program or included with a library of files you can import using a text file. It is also possible to export some/all data from BaseHead to text file for backup or to make edits externally.

Marker Panel Overview

A video that demonstrates the use of markers and regions and how to manage these
and write to the files.

Thesaurus Overview

Demonstrates the use of the in-built thesaurus feature and how to add custom
thesaurus entries to help find your media files using similar key words

Rename Panel / Batch Renaming

An overview of the file transfer and batch renaming features.
covers all the new features of the latest 2020 version!

Process Panel

A detailed look at the features and usage of the Process Panel, how to manage effects and applying processing to your files  when transferring to a DAW

Quick Access Panel (QAP)

Features of using the quick access panel to extract and mix audio channels

Waveform Overview

A detailed look at the features you may or may not be aware of when working in the Waveform view

Transport Controls

A quick video on the features of transport control and performance recording

Pro Tools Workflow

Check out how BaseHead is used together with Pro Tools in a typical editing scenario to see how fast it makes finding, editing and importing a sound…. even if you do not have any sound libraries of your own. 

Using Adobe Premiere Pro with BaseHead

A quick walkthru to get you up and running quick connecting these two programs

More info can be found at THIS LINK!

Wwise Integration

WAAPI connect Audiokinetic Wwise to BaseHead
This Video helps:

  • Wwise users looking to speed up their workflow between these two monster programs

Pro Tools Setup

This video demonstrates how to get BaseHead and Pro Tools setup correctly so that you can spot audio files.

    Using Rewire, Source Nexus & Soundflower

    Check out this video if you need to setup BaseHead to send audio into your DAW using Rewire, Source Nexus or Soundflower. We highly recommend Source Nexus for the most reliable experience and Soundflower is demonstrated on macOS only for the curious as we do not offer any support on this way, but it can work and is also the same process for similar solutions