Needing Some Support for BASEHEAD?

We recommend searching our detailed documentation on the product first.
Please Select the Topic You Need Help With
Having Issues or think you have found a bug?
If you can’t find your solution from the KnowledgeBase AND your version is confirmed to be the latest, then submit a ‘Support Ticket’ by clicking the button below.
NOTE: basehead FREE Edition users should use the KnowledgeBase and SLACK Channel only to get answers.
Got a few Questions before you buy?
Are you currently a Student looking for a discount?
Check out the requirements on the EDU Page.
Attention RE-SELLERS!
We only sell direct, but feel free to use the Online Store to order products for your clients.
Everyone Else…
Make sure you have played with the Trial for at least 3 days, skimmed thru the user manual AND you’ve watched all the Getting Started videos first before asking any questions. 😉