basehead 2024 Feature/Change List
Here is a partial list of new things already working in that latest version.
- New High tech Cross-Platform Modular Framework that is at least 4x faster in many areas of the program by far with Pixel Perfect User Interface between PC and Mac platforms.
- Re-Coded from the ground up to be Massively Multi-Threaded, Modular, Flexible and future proof.
- NodeTree: (formally the PeekTree) Can Stack Nodes in any order now.
- NodeTree: Up to 6 Snapshots can be Stored/Recalled. (Standard & Ultra)
- Mixer Panel: 16 Channel Interleaved Metering with Solos and Mutes.
- User Interface: Can Float just about any Panel now. (Standard/Ultra)
- User Interface: Can Personalize color theme with Saturation/Brightness/Contrast/Hue Sliders. (Standard/Ultra)
- User Interface: User Selectable Accent, Waveform and Meter Colors. (Standard/Ultra)
- User Interface: Four Standard Layouts to choose from now.
- User Interface: Less Intrusive Notifications that require less mouse clicks in a day by far.
- Imports: Can import into existing ‘Imports’ now and also drag into each other to merge them together.
- Imports: Explode Folders now possible to browse and to drill down in them.
- Search Blocks: Search, Folder, Lock, Thesaurus and Node Filter Blocks!
- Search Blocks: added Starts With/Ends with…is Greater/Lesser and other new conditional options
- Personalize: User Changeable System Sounds with separate volume and the ability to mute them completely. (Standard/Ultra)
- Groups: Unlimited color choices and can now create directly on the PeekTree.
- Groups: Ability to assign records to Multiple ‘Groups’ (Standard/Ultra)
- Waveform: Can Extract multiple channels now in any order and remove them also. (Standard & Ultra)
- Waveform: Mouse over the channels dims other channels on the QAP.
- Waveform: Shows extracted channel names on buttons and on tracks as being extracted.
- Waveform: Extract buttons on the waveform with ability to overlay them on the top or bottom of it or hide.
- Waveform: Shows Extracted channel names on right side of the waveform view.
- Waveform: Resolution now sample accurate when zoomed in.
- Waveform: Timeline Resolution improved.
- Results List: Can have Multiple Results Lists now (Standard & Ultra)
- Taglist: Multiple Taglists are also now possible that are saved as you work (Standard & Ultra)
- Taglist: We will store as parameter object to allow processing during transfers instead of when tagging.
- Destructive Editing: Can make multiple edits now with Undo before Overwriting (Ultra)
- Destructive Editing: Save File As…option now also. (Ultra)
- Destructive Editing: Shows ‘Trim’ and ‘Delete’ buttons now when a selection is made. (Ultra)
- Destructive Editing: Displays dotted line where edits have been made. (Ultra)
- Rename Panel: Can choose a Batch Preset on Transfer page now.
- Rename Panel: ‘CamelCase’ and ‘Un Camel Case’ options added now to both the Transfer and Batch Tabs.
- Licensing: Device Bound Licenses now auto-sync to our License DB after changes are made.
- CloudPack Manager features are now embedded in the CloudPacks Node.
- basehead Connect: a VST3/AU/AAX plugin that streams up to 8 channel audio directly to your DAW in Standard and Ultra and as 2 channels if using the Lite Edition.
- Split Files: flagged in Database while Importing now and we show just one single virtual record now.
- Split Files: Can Drag or Transfer as either separates or interleave them using the new ‘Mash’ button on the Mixer panel.
- Markers: Ability to search Marker Names in the Database that are created during importing.
- STRATA File Support: Exploding to file to the original associated REAPER project. Learn More Here
Some Things not in at the Moment, but coming next…
- Process Panel: Plugin Rack on Process Panel. (In Progress)
- Cloud Licenses Pooling (Done but needs in house testing)
- Database Sharing/Syncing over LAN and WAN (will come after initial release)
- Burn In and Text File Import Panels: (coming after the initial release as they are non-essentials)
- Licensing: Ability to read Usb.key file from an External USB drive. This will be replaced with a way to copy all settings to an external drive and read and write them from there.
- NodeTree: The Wwise node (will come after initial release)
Other Road Mapped Features
- Ability to make changes to the Database and write to files later.
- License Pooling via our new License Server as we are ditching CodeMeter in this version.
- Metadata Editing Directly on the Results List.
- DaVinci Resolve Target App Support
- User Interface: Fully Rearrangeable with Docking. (Ultra)
- Pop-out larger timecode window with Spectrum Analyzer.
- Eight User definable Database [fields] (This will come after the first release)
- Midi Triggering and Midi CC and maybe OSC Support (Standard and Higher)
- Faders levels on the QAP mixer. (Ultra)
- Screen Reader Support for Blind users.
Dropped Features or Technologies in 2024
- ReWire: basehead Connect replaces this ancient horrible old tech.
- CodeMeter (We will make our own pool-able licenses system that is lighter and more modern)
- VST2 is Replaced with VST3 in this version
- The Browser Page: Replaced by the new ‘Explode Folders’ function for ‘Imports’.
- BaseHead Server (cubeSQL): We made our own in house integrated version that is coming soon!
- RAM Database: No longer needed cuz searching is way faster then with RAM DB Search ON in old BH.
- Spotting to Generic Non-Hardwired DAWs. If they never made modern API, SDK or Scripting language the DAW is no longer supported besides via Drag and Drop.
- ‘Auto-Switching Paths’: We decided it’s not worth porting this code since it’s more for non-hardwired DAW’s. Basically…If the DAW manufacture doesn’t have an API we will no longer support them besides via Drag and Drop.