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BaseHead has always offered the ability to use a standard USB stick as an activation key allowing BaseHead to launch if the USB stick is detected but this has required the target computer to have the license key dropped into the BaseHead license folder first for it to work.

As of BaseHead v2021.6 you can now simply place the BaseHead license key file on the same USB you use to activate and make it FULLY PORTABLE! This allows you to have BaseHead installed on as many machines as you need, at work, at home and simply attach the stick with the license and BaseHead will launch. No need to copy your license file to each computer anymore and makes updating a new USB key a breeze.

Using a USB Key Portable Activation License

Firstly, you’ll need a USB key. Any USB will be fine, it can be one you use as a portable storage device, does not have to be dedicated to use for BaseHead activation, we just detect the keys serial for the activation process. If you wish to use it between both macOS and Windows be sure it is formatted to work on both systems (Fat32)

Launch the License Request Utility and attach your USB stick (ensure only one USB storage device is connected for this process)

If the key is detected and usable as an activation device you can now select “USB Drive” option and “Copy to Clipboard” the Serial Code

On the My Licenses page you will see your license “container” which if you have not yet activated a license, just choose to Activate and paste the serial number, otherwise choose to first Deactivate then Activate with the copied serial

Once a License Container is activated you will see a Download button to download your license key file.

Where do I place the .key file on my USB Drive?
Download the .key file and on the USB Stick and create and place it in the following folder on the root of the drive:

<drive root>\BaseHead\Licenses

After you place your .key in this folder and launch BaseHead it will check your USB drive for the  .key and match it to the USB drives serial to activate your BaseHead session.

No more copying license files to every new system you work on!  8)