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To Show all the Options Tabs go to the menu ‘View/Options Page’

UCS Options (Standard or Higher)
the left side just show’s some UCS option while browser or Tagging

  • Add CatID to [filename]: 
    Does just that renames your filename with dragging and tagging to the UCS category panel.  Honestly we think this was not the best approach for UCS and the Cat/Sub Cat should be only written into iXML instead of destroying you filenames breaking the links to old sessions.
  • ‘Bun into Metadata’
    this the more proper way to tag files in out opinion.
  • ‘Strict UCS Search’
    when you click a UCS category it ONLY shows if the records match exactly.


    The UCS NodeTree Item has a few more functions and like most areas of basehead will show some the same binded options as show on the Option Tabs

Metadata Chunks Panel (Standard or Higher)
this advanced user only panel gives you full control of what metadata is imported, edited and added to newly transferred file. If this panel makes no sense to you, then close it and never open and look at it again 8)