Audio Enigine/Routing
To Show all the Options Tabs go to the menu ‘View/Options Page’
Audio Engine
Output Device
choose your audio device of choice to play basehead out of here.
NOTE: basehead Connect will not show in this list cuz it’s hardwired. Use the B.C button on the lower middle of program to engage BH to DAW streaming
IMPORTANT: If you see the waveform draw, but the playhead not move then it’s cuz the audio device is most likely seized by another program.
Playback Quality
Can be set for 0-3. For best performance leave it at 0. If recording the output of BaseHead with then raise it up higher if you desire.
Release driver
releases the driver in background when switching between applications so BaseHead can release the driver for another application to use.
Exclusive Mode (PC)
Turn ON to grab exclusive control of your audio hardware.
Latency Slider
raise up if you are hearing pops and clicks during playback.
Auto Toggle M/S Decoder (Standard and Ultra)
auto-switches the M/S Decoder ON/OFF when the tag M/S is found in the [microphone] field. Simply add this tag to your M/S recordings to have it auto switch with this option.
Fold Down Field Recordings
attempts to auto-detect multi-track field recordings will occur and fold down the tracks to stereo output for monitoring.
This functionality can also be toggled on/off from the Fold button on the QAP.
Note: You can force this auto-detection by adding F/R in the [microphone] field.
Mono to Center Channel
if more than 4 speakers are detected all Mono and Solo’d sources will play out the center channel speaker instead of front L/R channels