Important: The Process Panel is still under development besides the pitchFX Axis, but VST3 plugins and Plugin Preset Store/Recall are coming the next week or so. We have some bugs to work out still. Please be patient as VST3 is a massive re-write compared to old VST2.

Process Panel
(Ultra / Standard)
The Process Panel allows you to load your effects plugins which you can apply to your sounds on transfer/spot into your project. Access the Process Panel by clicking the “Process” tab on the right- Sidebar:
Supported Plugin Format
We support 64 bit VST3® plugins only
VST3® is a Registered Trademark of Steinberg/Yamaha Corp.
Scanning Your Plugins
Open the Process Panel (F10) and it will auto-scan your VST3 plugins for you.
The top section of the process panel is the rack where you can add up to as many VST3 plugins until your computers processor runs out of power.
Reordering Plugins
You can reorder the effects by simply clicking an effect and dragging it to a new position. You will see a positional bar where it will be inserted and releasing will move the plugin to the new position.
Copy Plugin Settings
You can also right click to Copy/Paste Parameters to another slot or remove the plugin
Monitor Section
The Monitor section consists of 2 effects slots that are designed for you to load effects that you want to always have active for monitoring (such as a limiter) but do NOT want to be processed thru.
The tail setting is at the bottom of the monitor section. Use this setting for when you are using reverb or delays to add extra time to the end of a file so they don’t cut off and ring out fully.
PROCESS Rack Effects Presets
The Preset Section has no surprises. It does have separate tabs for the main rack and the monitor sections and like many areas of the program if you click the ‘Folder’ icon it will show you the location of the presets that can be quickly Renamed, Copied, Duplicated or Deleted from the the comfort of your operating system also if you prefer.
Pitch FX AxiS
(Ultra Only)
It’s a standard type X/Y axis control with two different pitching modes to choose from. (pitchFX and stretch).
Just grab the green ball and whip it around to hear the difference and have fun with it!
You can also create a temporary reversed file from this panel by pressing the big ‘Reverse’ button.
(The Waveform will turn Purple when reversed)
(Ctrl/CMD) +R

Are effects applied to files or only for monitoring?
Effects in the Process Panel Rack section will be applied to files on transfer to new files from basehead.
You can disable individual plugins from processing by using the Bypass buttons.
On the other hand…The ‘Monitor’ section effects are NEVER applied to files on export. Great for Compressors, Limiter or Metering plugins
Effects such as reverb are cut short when I export a file
Effects such as reverb and delays need additional processing time added to the end of the file. Use the “Tail” setting to add additional time to the end of the file when exporting so they are no longer cut off.
Where are the location of the Plugins Scanned White and Black Lists?
~/Library/Application Support/basehead/Process.settings