Taglist Page
The Taglist Page is used to collect multiple sounds to be transferred to your desired DAW or location all at once instead of one sound at a time or to simply to hold files for later use.
To add sounds to the Taglist press (T) and next to the Taglist tab a count ball will appear with how many records are currently added to the select Taglist and YES multiple TagList are possible!

Pro-Tip: To drag the Taglist without even having to look at it…hold (Ctrl/Option) and grab the DnD bar and it will drag all un-transferred items in the Taglist instead of the files selected on the Results Page.
Also, to clear any items that might have been accidentally tagged just click the count ball next to the Taglist Tab so they don’t get transfered.
The Orange waveforms on the left show what files you have already transfered.
You can Reset and clear this list from the ‘Action’s and ‘Clear’ menus and everything should be very basic to understand. 8)
Multiple Tag Lists!

To the right side is where you can create mutlitple Taglist and these write to the .XML file live so no need to to save or load them ever again. Like many areas of the program when you click the ‘Folder’ icon we start a folder watcher that allows you to rename, copy, duplicate or delete the presets/list fromthe confront of Finder or Windows Explorers and you will see the change update live inside basehead. Damn cool huh? 8)