Getting Started
basehead uses a SQLite database format as it’s lite and nimble and all about speed and most of the program is Database driven for speed and precision that no other program can match our engine on the market.
Importing Audio Files
To add files to the database, press (Ctrl/Cmd) +I to open the Import Panel OR simply drag files the the center of the programs main Results List.
You can choose to Import into Existing ‘Imports’ or ‘Groups’ from this panel. We will be explaining more what those are exactly later on.
Also…The top right gear icon will reveal some extra options below you should get familiar with also.
Importing Options
Import Using Drive Letters or Hard Drive ID’s (PC Only)
Use ‘Hard Drive ID’s’ option if your files are on removable USB drive that you take with you from place to place.
Otherwise just leave it set to ‘Drive Letters’
Split File Matching
Detects Split Matched .L, .R, .C , LFE, Ls, Rs or -01,-02, -03, -04 etc….
If found it groups them in the database, but the can be disabled on the playback side from the Options/General Tab
Chunks to import
Choose the metadata chunks you want to to import. You ALWAYS want iXML on. If you don’t understand these chunks leave them set at the default settings always.
Managing Databases
When BH is first launched a default database basehead.db will be created for you. All Databases created or imported are copied to a master ‘Databases’ folder. You can view them from the ‘Manage Database’ page. (Ctrl/Cmd)+D. This page allows you to create, rename and also has many Database repair and indexing tools in the ‘Tools’ menu.
[Video] Getting Started
After Files have been Imported
Results List Fields
Now that you have some files in the database, you can right click the header of Results List and you will get a list of available fields that you can show in the Results List with also options to Show All and Reset to Defaults
Plus ‘Font Size’ options also can be found on this panel
BaseHead Terminology
This might be a good time to look at the different sections of the program to get the terminology down
Results List
This is where all the search results are filled post search.

Important: Any file dragged from the Result List will be referenced does NOT go through processing and is referenced from its original location.
Basically, think of dragging from the Results List as the same as dragging from Explorer/Finder into your DAW.
If you want files to be copied always to the set Transfer Path and thru processing, then make sure to drag from the Drag-n-Drop Bar instead and make sure ‘Force Reference’ is OFF.
Left Side Bar (E)
This mainly shows the NodeTree, but each of these node can be made their own TAB now if your edition allows it.
Collections, Categories, Groups, Imports, CloudPacks, Favorite and Recent Searches, Play History, Paths and X-fers
All these will explained more in depth on the NodeTree section
Right Side Bar (P)
This panel can display various panels depending on which Edition you have:
Details, Rename with Batch Renamer, Process, Markers, Metadata Viewer, Import/Export Text file and Burn In Panel
Bottom Info Strip:
Transfer Path Folder – this is where you Select where BH will copy non-referenced Files
ProTip: Ctrl+Click of this folder will show you this location in Explorer/Finder
Transport Controls
- Performance Takes Record button. Recordings are added to the History Node prefixed by a Red PERF–
- Loop Region (loops if a region or playback marker is set – (L)
- Auto-Play
- Reverse Playback (changes playback direction) – (R)
- Continuous Play (skips to the next in the list once reaches an end point)
- Shuffle Play
- Volume slider
- FOLD (Downmixes surround files to stereo for preview only)
- M/S Stereo Decoder
- basehead Connect (B.C.) Routes basehead’s outputs via an 8 channel VST3, AAX or AU plugin directly to your DAW.
ProTIP: SmartLoop will be engaged whenever you move a pitchSlider or pitchFX slider. This will be indicated by the Loop icons turning green.
You can also force SmartLoop on by press the “0” on your keyboards number pad.
FYI: to change Performance Recording settings right click the Record button.
Performance Recordings are placed in the History Node once completed and you need to transfer them to your DAW if you make one linked before you quit BH if set to record the default Temp Folder location since on next launch they will be cleaned up (deleted) automatically.