Drive Remapping
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Drive Remapping (Ultra and Standard)
Allows you to map new locations if folders or volumes have been moved OR to compensate for a path between PC and Mac databases for files that are not at a normal network path. Simply add the source path you want to change in a left box and what you want to change it to in the right box.
Here is and example to change the path of D:\OldDrive\SFX\Metal Impacts\ to E:\NewDrive\SFX\Metal Impacts/
NOTE: Make sure you Engage it otherwise it won’t be enabled and you can add as many rules you want by clicking the lower right + icon.
‘Commit’ button
applies changes to the database, but it’s best to put the paths in and see if the play fine before ‘Commit’ and permanent changes to the database.
So how do I re-map a drive scanned on a Mac to a Drive Letter on PC?
Mac and PC local drive paths are very different.
One has a drive letter that changes constantly (PC) depending on when it was plugged in and where and the slashes are opposite also.
We create both [folder] (PC) and [path] (Mac) on import, but we can only guess or get you part of the way there.
You need to tell BH what the other path is a bit still via Drive Remapping
So if you scanned a drive on mac that pulls up as G: on PC then…First…look at the path it’s looking for in the Details Panel.
It might be like \\localhost\FlashDrive\SFX\
So to remap this to G: path put in any left box put \\localhost\FlashDrive\SFX\ and in the matching right box put G:\SFX\
NOTE: ALWAYS! swap out paths from the very start! Remapping won’t find/replace from in the middle of a path.
We also added an ‘Auto-Remap’ button in the top right to help with this but it’s a bit BETA still. 😉