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To Show all the Options Tabs go to the menu ‘View/Options Page’

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

this is where your CloudPacks .wf cache files will be downloaded so they do not need to be downloaded again the next time your click the same file.

select the streaming server closest to your location for optimum speed. 
We plan to add a few more in the future like London and Australia.  8)

Refresh Images
re-downloads all images to the latest and greatest version in case the vendor happened to update them.

Refresh CPM Database
deletes all local databases and the next time you add the CloudPack the latest version will be downloaded.  Once in a while a vendor adds new sound to their pack.  If you see this notice whack this button to get the additional sounds.

Auto-Add Active Cloudpacks
if you create a new Database the current ‘Active’ CloudPacks will be activated also in the new Database automatically.