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The NODETree

The NodeTree is the far Left Hand Side Bar and has many different nodes and it.   Many consider it the command station that truly shows what sets basehead apart from all others!

There is a lot of flexibility in how you can use some of the node features of basehead depending on how you like to work and there are no hard rules. 

You can have up to 6 Snapshots also now also if you click the upper right 3 button more icon.

There are 10 current main Nodes with a few more coming  soon!



‘Imports’ are subdivided sections of your Database. Every folder or group of files you drag to the Results List or import with (Ctrl/CMD) + I into basehead creates an ‘Import’ and some Editions also allow Rescanning them or merging them together.  The days of a single BLOB of a Database are long gone in basehead land.  ‘Imports’ give you unparalleled control over your sound effects.

You can also ‘Explode Folders’ to see all the sounds imported into Database and if you (Ctrl/CMD) + Click any folder it will make a Filter Block to search off of also.

Or bring the In/Out of searches by clicking the left side icon and if you edition has the possibility you can rescan and update them for changes.


(Standard or Higher)

 Groups can be created from the NodeTree and can have unlimited any custom colors set to them.  You can drag  records from the Results List to any ‘Group’  and also use the Details Panel to assign multiple ‘Groups’ to a single record.

Groups can be modified or swapped out from BOTH the Results List and Details Panel with a simple right click.

Bring them In/Out of searches by clicking the left side icon or if you (Ctrl/CMD) + Click any ‘Group’ it will make a Filter Block to search off of also.
PROTIP: To Drag a CloudPack file to a ‘Group’…hold (Alt/Option) when dragging

CloudPacks are an online stream-able SFX packs included for FREE.  To unlocks so packs, some vendors might ask for your email address, but that is a small price to pay for for SFX.  😉  CloudPacks used to be part of the old CloudPack Manager (CPM).   Regardless pre-purchased CPM packs you bought will still appear still in this CloudPack Node till we figure out the CPM’s new home.  8)

TIP: To Drag a CloudPack file from the Results Lsst to a ‘Collection’ or ‘Group’, hold Alt on PC or Option on Mac.

Lke most nodes you can fine extra functions if you click the upper 3 dots icon.


(Ultra only)

Collections are a flexible way to manage your go to favorite SFX you are using in your projects often.  Think of Collections as a holding tank of SFX  you always want access to unless a sound super just pulling SFX for the editors.

  • Collections are “Virtual Folders” that are NOT attached to any database and stay visible always.  This is 100% by design.
  • You can create any folder structure and also import a template by selecting  “Import Folder Structure” and choose to just import folders or folders with existing files.
  • Show ‘Collections Folder’ location will show will all the collections are saved off in case you want to share them or move them to another PC/Mac.
  • You can also Export ‘Collection’ to so be able to hand off pulled sounds to someone else that you pulled for them to use..

 NOTE: ‘Collections’ are NOT attached to the database by Design, so you can switch between databases and they will still be visible and available to use minus you can’t click a folder to view them in the Results List unless they are in the current Database. 

 Collection MAIN Node OPTIONs
Right clicking ‘Collection’ files, folder and the main nodes all show different of functions based on what is possible. 
The image to the right are the ones you see from the click the 3 button more icon on the root Collection.

The most important thing to point out of all  function to the right is ‘Show Contents’.   Since we can ONLY show records in the the ‘Results List’ unless they database bound to it, you will only see records that exist in the current Database when you click any ‘Collection’ folder, but you can still click the individual files fine. 

Also….When a Collection has been exported and transferred all the files are dimmed inside marking they have been transferred. You can right click and mark them ‘Un-Transferred and on next Export the will be re-copied.

ProTIP: To Drag a CloudPack file to a Collection folder hold (Alt/Option).


Favorite / Recent Searches

Favorite Searches  (Standard or Higher)
is a place to put all your go to searches you use all the time.

You can add them to this node by pressing the yellow star icon from the Recent Searches node below it in this image.

Recent Searches
lists previous searches and recalls them when clicked.  The right side green block icon will recall the search with the ‘Blocks’ that were active when it was saved and not just the Main search text.

Play History

The Play History Node basically just shows a recently auditioned files so you can go back easily to the ones you heard recently and liked quickly. 


Paths allow you to how swap and add common locations to transfer files to.  If you want to have it auto-switch to the open supported DAW projects audio folder the turn ON the ‘Follow Session Folder’ option.

Xfers Node

The Xfer Node shows all files that have been recently transferred with both source and destination.   This is handy if your DAW crashed recently before saving to help you see all your recently sent to it to help get you back to square one quickly.

NOTE: The Orange Target Icon to the right plays the destination sound file that was transferred out of basehead if it still exists as usually transferred to a temporarily path

UCS Categories 

 By  default the UCS Categories (Universal Category System) Node has it’s own tab.  The reason for this is it has many  categories and you will just end up scrolling up and down too much to get to see other nodes.  Plus when it’s own tab you get the advantage of a ‘Filter’ search also.   

During Importing….any files that have a matching UCS category code will have an automatic Category/Sub Category assigned.   There is a LOW and HIGH Options.  LOW will take priority to cat/subcat already in the files  iXML of the file with HIGH will take priority of the the CatID_ on the front of the file if one exists.

NOTE: You can change UCS Category display language from the above Options Tab.

Tagging Files with UCS

You can apply UCS based tagging easily by simply selecting files in the Result List and dragging them into a UCS category/sub category.

To assist with category assignments, hover the mouse over a sub category to see the explanation and their synonyms. 

UCS Options

 Strict UCS Browsing
only shows exact matching UCS category/sub category files. With this option OFF, any record that has a match within the category/sub category (even partial) will be listed in the Results List when a UCS category is clicked.

Add CatID to [filename]
adds the UCS CatID code onto the front of the filename (renames file). This will also update the database details automatically to reference the new [filename]/

Burn into Metadata also
writes the new UCS category data into the iXML chunk within the file.  If this option is OFF the data is only written to the BaseHead database and not saved in the file 

Dragging files directly onto a main UCS Category will assign only the [category]. Dragging to a UCS Sub Category assigns both the [category] and [subcategory] fields in the Database.

A confirmation dialog is shown to prevent accidentally assigning the wrong categories but you can hold (SHIFT) while dragging to override this dialog and instantly tag files.

UCS Functions

Show UCS Records Only
this will cause the UCS browser to only display UCS compliant files in the Results List.  Only files that contain a UCS valid CatID tag at the start of the filename will appear in the UCS browser. This filter only affects the current view and resets when selecting a new category or doing a search.

Show Non-Compliant UCS Records
this will display files that do NOT have a valid UCS CatID on the front of the filename.
IMPORTANT: This filter only affects the records in the Results List.

NOTE: Category/Sub Category field updates depend on the option set in the UCS/Metadata Chunks Options Panel which sets if these fields are overwritten or only updated if blank.  


[Video] Managing UCS METADATA & Files

Here is an older video demonstrating how to import UCS tagged files, auto populate category information and retag your existing files with UCS metadata quickly and easily.