Category: BaseHead

BaseHead Server Setup

BaseHead Database Server BaseHead has the ability to access a centralized database using a custom version of cubeSQL.  This allows you to share and edit the same database without file locking issues. This also gives you the...

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Wwise Integration

wwise Integration WAAPI integration was just added to hard-wire Audiokinetic Wwise to BaseHead allowing you to toss files back and forth while retaining most all the parameters. This feature can be seen in both PC and Mac...

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Workflow Tips and Tricks

Workflow Tips and Tricks There are many internal tricks and keyboard shortcuts that are inside BaseHead that you might not know about yet. Well….until now 😉 Note: Keep in Mind that most the time holding CTRL is for PC users and...

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Key Commands (Mac)

  Key Commands (Mac) In addition to below key commands, many commands are also accessible using mouse right-click  Space – Play/StopA – Show all of waveform (Zoom out Full)C – Copy File to set Transfer PathCmd+D – Set focus to...

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Key Commands (PC)

Key Commands (PC) In addition to below key commands, many commands are also accessible using mouse right-click Space – Play/StopA – Show all of waveform (Zoom out Full)C – Copy file to Transfer PathD – Set focus to 1st Search...

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Metadata Import/Export & Burn In

Metadata Import/Export & Burn In Standard & Ultra Versions It is now possible to import/export metadata for your files using standard CVS/TVS text files to allow export/backup of your metadata or to import data into...

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HTTP / Streaming Playback

HTTP / Streaming Playback Many facilities in Hollywood and around to world no longer allow the mounting of SFX hard drives locally for security reasons. That is where this new feature comes in. It allow streaming of files over...

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Quick Access Panel (QAP)

Quick Access Panel (QAP) Ultra Version The QAP can be shown by clicking the bottom left expander or by pressing [F2] The ‘QAP” is used many things including… Solo/Mute of individual channels. These channels will also transfer as...

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Marker Panel

Marker Panel Standard / Ultra Versions The Marker Panel allows editing and creation of four types of Markers.  So what are these markers good for?For Music Editors this will be handy to mark when a songs tempo changes or mood...

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Process Panel

Process Panel (Ultra / Standard Versions Only) The Process Panel allows you to load your effects plugins which you can apply to your sounds on transfer/spot into your project. Access the Process Panel by clicking the...

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Rename Panel

Rename Panel As of Basehead Version 2020.5 the Rename/Transfer panel has been overhauled to offer even more flexible file renaming options with dedicated transfer and rename sections, rules based batch rename operations and...

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Browser Page

Browser Page The Browser Page is your typical file browser with many of the same functions available on it as on the Results Page. It allows you to browse your computer and attached drives for media files regardless of if they...

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Search Bar

Search Bar The Search Bar is where all the magic happens! You can search through all your files metadata and the results of a search are displayed on the Results Page. There is also a “Simple Search” mode you can...

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Taglist Page

Taglist Page The Taglist Page is used to collect multiple sounds to be transferred to your desired DAW or location all at once instead of one sound at a time or simply to hold processed files for later use. When you...

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Options Menu / Page

Options Menu / Page First off to avoid some confusion, there is an Options Menu AND also an Option Page. The Options Menu is for items related only to the Results Page and the Options Page is more for global type options....

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Metadata Viewer Panel

Metadata Viewer Panel (F3) Wanna see the changes you make live? This panel shows the raw metadata in the selected file, so you can see exactly what is being changed as you tag your files. Extra Info about some Chunks we write...

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Metadata & The Details Panel

Details Panel (Metadata) (Standard & Ultra Versions) You will find the Details Panel on the Right Side Panel of the results list by selecting the Details tab. The Details panel is a customizable info panel that displays all...

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Waveform View

Waveform View The Waveform section has many functions. The most basic one is clicking on it to move the playhead around.If you Click-Drag and wipe a purple range across it and release the mouse button it will select/zoom the...

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PeekTree / UCS Browser

The PeekTree To the far left of the screen is a sidebar we called the Left Hand Bar and it displays the PeekTree and UCS Category Browser The PeekTree is a tree control that now has 10 different nodes in it.This is like the...

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Results List

Results List The Results List is where you will spend most your time. This is where all your library files and searches are displayed. You can customize the layout of columns, save layout snapshots, use the Search Bar to display...

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