Category: PC General FAQ

Override Keystrokes for Generic Target App?

Is there a way to override the stock keystrokes fired into a DAW when set to a generic Target App?   Yes, create a file named ‘keysOverride.txt’ in your settings folder at MyDocuments/BaseHead 5.x Once you create...

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Cannot Drag Files Out of BaseHead

Dragging files between BaseHead and another application/explorer isn’t working or doesn’t correctly place   You may be running BaseHead or the other application as Administrator. Disable BaseHead and other...

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Drive Letter Differs After Import

Why after importing the drive letter is different and the files say they are Media Offline? One of two reasons… Either your “Drive ReMapping” is enabled OR one of your drives is a clone of another so that both...

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DnD is not working from BaseHead

When I try and drag any file from BaseHead or my Desktop to my DAW (Especially Pro Tools) it doesn’t work?   You need to shut your UAC off to fix this.  It’s a known bug reported by Avid and that is their official...

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BaseHead Crashes After Splash Screen

BaseHead quits immediately after seeing the splash screen. How can I fix this? 1. Try going to this super hidden folder and delete all files instead to fix this:C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\wyUpdate AU NOTE: it’s super...

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Default BaseHead Options Page

Resetting BaseHead Options page settings? If you have issues with audio playback settings or just need to set the BaseHead Options page back to default you will need to delete / rename the User.config file: ..\Documents\BaseHead...

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Speed Up / Optimise BaseHead

How can I speed up and optimize BaseHead PC? If you want to get the best performance out of BaseHead you can try some of the following:  Build all your waveforms for all your files and maybe cache them on your local drives. See...

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PC Defaulting Preferences

How do I Default BaseHead Preferences (PC)? There may be some cases especially after an update where new features are added when you may need to “trash” your BaseHead preferences to solve an issue. Doing a prefs wipe...

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PC Rewire / Source Nexus

Setting Up Rewire / Source Nexus (PC) You may need to setup audio routing out of BaseHead into a DAW in order to use both BaseHead audio and your DAWs audio at the same time especially when using ASIO audio. BaseHead offers...

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