Category: General FAQ

My Changes Are Not Saving to Database

My Changes Are Not Saving to Database Common reason for this is you are running your database from a network location or from a “Cloud Synced” folder such as iCloud, Dropbox or GDrive. It is HIGHLY recommended to not...

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Getting No Search Results for Some Searches

I get no results in some searches such as selecting a Folder This is likely because you do not have “Deep Searching” enabled:  Try enable this and see if your search works correctly. Set to OFF when searching very large...

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Cannot Save Markers, “File In Use”

When using files over my network I cannot save Markers, I receive a “File in Use” error This is likely due to your files being set as “Read Only”. Check your file properties and ensure you have write access to the...

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Cant Hear BaseHead when ProTools HD is Open

Why when Pro Tools HD is open I can’t hear BaseHead anymore? It’s cuz PT HD with Avid Hardware can’t share hardware with any other program.  It’s the only DAW in the world that will NOT release an audio driver in the...

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Having BaseHead Issues?

Having BaseHead Issues? If you think you are having a CodeMeter Licensing Issue see the Licensing FAQ Section first! If a recent update seemed to cause the problem then grab an older version first to compare to. You can always...

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