Category: misc

Open Associated REAPER Project

REAPER basehead has the ability to detect an Audiokinetic Strata file and open the associated REAPER .rpp project that created the rendered file so you can modify, tweak and and re-export it if you wish with the original source...

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Workflow Tips & Tricks

Tips and Tricks There are many internal PRO USER tricks and keyboard shortcuts that are inside basehead that you might not know about yet listed below. 1a. Holding (Ctrl/CMD) while clicking an ‘Import’ ‘Group’ or ‘CloudPack’  or...

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HTTP / Streaming Playback

HTTP / Streaming Playback   Many facilities no longer allow the mounting of SFX hard drives locally for security reasons. That is where HTTP streaming comes in.  It allows streaming files over local HTTP OR the web for...

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Key Commands Space – Play/StopA – Show all of Waveform (Zoom out Full)C – Copy file to Transfer PathE – Hide/Show Left SidebarF – Set focus to Main Search BoxL – Loop Selected/Zoomed RegionM – Insert CUE marker in waveform...

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