Why don’t I see my license deposited in the iLok Manager?
We just BIND to iLok’s using the serial number you provided to us using License Request at purchase time. We do this just like we do with any other USB Device and this as a bonus happens to work with iLok’s also. It will not show up in the iLok Manger ever and will not mess with other iLok software cuz we just read the serial number of this device like any other USB device you might choose to bind to.

I switched to a new system and BaseHead or Injector is not seeing my iLok now.
What to Do?
We simply bind to your iLok2/3 via USB Device Locking just like any other USB Device and do NOT use the iLok Manager.
So for every new system….
1. Install BaseHead or Injector.
2. Install the License (that was emailed to you when you placed the order)
Just drag and drop the License .key file to the register panel for step 2.
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I forgot where I saved my version .key file to that I applied to my old PC/Mac.
If you applied it on a system in the past, you can find it in ~Documents/BaseHead 5.x/Licenses
Just copy this file to the new system in the same location or drop it on the ‘Register’ Panel on the new system and BaseHead will copy it for you to this location.
You can also re-download it from your ‘My Licenses’ page also at anytime. 8)
How do you bind BaseHead to my iLok2 or iLok3?
We make you a custom license from your iLok’s serial number after you send us a License Request thru our helper application. Once it’s applied on the system, when BaseHead or Injector launches it will read the serial number in the license and if it exists on your system, it launches!
It’s the same exact principle as binding to any USB Flash drive or External USB HDD/SSD.
Why can’t I use the iLOK Manager like other software?
Do you want to pay an extra $100 for BH?? then sure we can use the iLok manager! 😉
We wanted to support native support for iLok’s, but financially it doesn’t make sense for us little guys selling a niche product and we would need to raise prices higher to survive.
We like to keep prices as low as possible….8)
That is part of the reason my competition is $899 and $999.
Plus, their Encryption doesn’t work with modern coding languages (only C++). Also… We can offer other options like USB Flash Drive, Cloud Licensing and Network Floating for large facilities easily and we want to offer true flexibility. …the list goes on.
So on every new system install…
1. Install BH
2. Install the License File
3. Save $100 dollars…..Any Questions? haha 😉
What if I loose my iLok, gets damaged or just want to move my license to a new iLok ?
Now you can just ‘Deactivate’ the old license on the ‘My Licenses’ page and choose a new one to bind to in a few steps. This is a free service now unless your Maintenance Plan has ended for more than year. In that case you need to ‘Extend’ if first before moving your license. See This Page for more info.
Will this mess up any other programs using the same iLok2/3?
Nope, NOT at all. We only query the OS for the serial number of the iLok. It will NOT interfere with its normal operation in any shape or form.
How can I move my CmStick license to an iLok binded License?
Just ask! It’s free but we recommend going with the newer CloudBased Licensing system nowadays. 😉