New Features so sick you’ll want to give them Health Care! 😉
UCS Category and Subcategory Importing
Phase one of many in our planned new Category features/additions over the next month arrives in this version. This allows selecting a UCS (category) template on the ‘Options Page’, such as the included a UCS v8.0 one, and during Importing it will update the [category], [subcategory] and [short_id] fields with the data in the Selected Template.
After installing this version you will see a Global option to select a UCS Template on the Options Page where the Font selection used to be.
When a template is selected, it will read the CatID tag on the front of filenames and match it with paired values in the included UCS template and squirt the values into [category], [subcategory] and [short_id] in the BaseHead database.
On the Chunks Panel you can set it as Low or High priority in relation to iXML values for these 3 [fields] also.
When set Low category ID data is imported when detected in the filename only if iXML data is not available within the file. This results in any existing iXML category tags being retained and will automatically fill in missing details if detected. Setting option High will ignore iXML category data completely for any files that contain a category ID tag at the start of the filename and instead use the UCS mapping for the file.
So the rule to follow is…
If you have already tagged your files library in Cat/Subcat and don’t want to over-write this data then leave it to ‘Low’.
If you want maximum UCS compatibility then set it to ‘High’
What if I already Imported a bunch of UCS files?
No problem! for Non-Lite Editions, we have a new Database Menu Function just exactly for this case named ‘Refresh UCS Template Metadata’ to scour for these files in your entire Database and update the Cat/Subcat related [fields].
This option follows the Metadata UCS Low/High setting so if you wish to completely update your existing Category data with detected UCS data for instance, you need to set the option “High” to force an overwrite of the category, subcategory and short-id fields
Can I modify this to work with my own custom naming system?
Sure you can! The Category tools we will be providing will be for both Pro UCS users and the Heretics alike! haha Just change the CatID column to whatever code you put in the front of the filename and it will work just the same as the included UCS Template. Look at the included template in ~Documents/BaseHead 5.x/Presets/CatID and duplicate it and modify away. 8)
What about other languages than English?
we already got it in the latest versions. 😉
NEw UCS TAb in the LeftSidebar for easy Category Browsing
To compliment the new UCS features, there is now a new UCS Tab in the Left Sidebar for Standard or Ultra Editions users allowing you to quickly filter search and browse thru UCS Categories.
Select either the main category to display all sub category files within or drill down and select the individual sub categories to see your results. This is also affected Live by your search results too.
Major UI ReFresh in da HOUSE!
We ditched most the bitmaps and replaced them with vector graphics giving the whole program and Crisp and Clean new look so that scaling on larger 4k displays looks much crisper in many areas including the Transport/Command Bars and especially the PeekTree got a major overhaul.
As you will see immediately once you download these new versions with all the UI improvements we once again make the competition look like it was just “Beat with an Ugly Stick!” in comparison. haha 😉

The PeekTree refresh includes some nice visual icons to assist with locating tree items faster. You will also now find the PeekTree is freely resizable so you can adjust the width however you like by simply dragging the right border.
Next up it’s planned to add the ability to Drag to Re-Arrange the order of the PeekTree nodes and also snapshots are on the horizon. After all, this is the Command Station that all other search programs are green with envy over and we plan to keep expanding on. 😉
CPM Master Database Searching from inside BaseHead
Lots of you requested this after purchasing CloudPacks and so here it is!
Now after every search your do on your local database you will see how many sound effects results are also found in the CPM also and when you click the Cloud Icon it will show them in the Results List and allow you to audition them. Then just click ‘Buy Pack’ button near the artwork in the Details Panel will take you directly to the CloudPacks Store to get more info and to purchase it in only a few clicks.
CloudBased Floating Network Licenses Arrive!

Hate carrying dongles and work in multiple locations?
Need to dish out temp licenses to WFH users?
Want to access your single personal license from anywhere?
Then this is so for you!
This feature is currently in BETA. Give us a shout if you want to help out!
Any Other notable Changes?
So so many! These are one of the largest updates we have done in years.
See the Full Change lists at the bottom of the Downloads pages.
As always….
This is a FREE update from anyone that has an active Maintenance Period.
You can check if it’s still active and also ‘Extend’ it on the ‘My Licenses Page’
PC Users:
You can grab the latest Release Version on the Main Downloads Page now that also includes VST Rack improvements we will talk more about in the next BLOG Post.
macOS Users:
version 2021.4 can be grabbed now Main Downloads Page