basehead Feature/Change List
Here is the massive list of things in that latest version.
- New High tech Cross-Platform Modular Framework that is at least 4x faster in many areas of the program by far with Pixel Perfect User Interface between PC and Mac platforms.
- Re-Coded from the ground up to be Massively Multi-Threaded, Modular, Flexible and future proof.
- NodeTree: (formally the PeekTree) Can Stack Nodes in any order now.
- NodeTree: Up to 6 Snapshots can be Stored/Recalled. (Standard & Ultra)
- Mixer Panel: 16 Channel Interleaved Metering with Solos and Mutes.
- User Interface: Can Float just about any Panel now. (Standard/Ultra)
- User Interface: Can Personalize color theme with Saturation/Brightness/Contrast/Hue Sliders. (Standard/Ultra)
- User Interface: User Selectable Accent, Waveform and Meter Colors. (Standard/Ultra)
- User Interface: Four Standard Layouts to choose from now.
- User Interface: Less Intrusive Notifications that require less mouse clicks in a day by far.
- Imports: Can import into existing ‘Imports’ now and also drag into each other to merge them together.
- Imports: Explode Folders now possible to browse and to drill down in them.
- Search Blocks: Search, Folder, Lock, Thesaurus and Node Filter Blocks!
- Search Blocks: added Starts With/Ends with…is Greater/Lesser and other new conditional options
- Personalize: User Changeable System Sounds with separate volume and the ability to mute them completely. (Standard/Ultra)
- Groups: Unlimited color choices and can now create directly on the PeekTree.
- Groups: Ability to assign records to Multiple ‘Groups’ (Standard/Ultra)
- Waveform: Can Extract multiple channels now in any order and remove them also. (Standard & Ultra)
- Waveform: Mouse over the channels dims other channels on the QAP.
- Waveform: Shows extracted channel names on buttons and on tracks as being extracted.
- Waveform: Extract buttons on the waveform with ability to overlay them on the top or bottom of it or hide.
- Waveform: Shows Extracted channel names on right side of the waveform view.
- Waveform: Resolution now sample accurate when zoomed in.
- Waveform: Timeline Resolution improved.
- Results List: Can have Multiple Results Lists now (Standard & Ultra)
- Taglist: Multiple Taglists are also now possible that are saved as you work (Standard & Ultra)
- Taglist: We will store as parameter object to allow processing during transfers instead of when tagging.
- Destructive Editing: Can make multiple edits now with Undo before Overwriting (Ultra)
- Destructive Editing: Save File As…option now also. (Ultra)
- Destructive Editing: Shows ‘Trim’ and ‘Delete’ buttons now when a selection is made. (Ultra)
- Destructive Editing: Displays dotted line where edits have been made. (Ultra)
- Rename Panel: Can choose a Batch Preset on Transfer page now.
- Rename Panel: ‘CamelCase’ and ‘Un Camel Case’ options added now to both the Transfer and Batch Tabs.
- Licensing: Device Bound Licenses now auto-sync to our License DB after changes are made.
- CloudPack Manager features are now embedded in the CloudPacks Node.
- basehead Connect: a VST3/AU/AAX plugin that streams up to 8 channel audio directly to your DAW in Standard and Ultra and as 2 channels if using the Lite Edition.
- Split Files: flagged in Database while Importing now and we show just one single virtual record now.
- Split Files: Can Drag or Transfer as either separates or interleave them using the new ‘Mash’ button on the Mixer panel.
- Markers: Ability to search Marker Names in the Database that are created during importing.
- STRATA File Support: Exploding to file to the original associated REAPER project. Learn More Here
Some Things not in at the Moment, but coming next…
If you rely on any of the below features in old BaseHead, then hold off on upgrading until you see that feature have been added in.
- Process Panel: Plugin Rack on Process Panel. (In Progress)
- Cloud Licenses Pooling (Done but needs in house testing)
- Database Sharing/Syncing over LAN and WAN (will come after initial release)
- License Pooling via our new License Server as we are ditching CodeMeter in this version.
- Burn In and Text File Importing : (Text File Exporting is working as of build 2025.01.10)
- Licensing: Ability to read Usb.key file from an External USB drive. This will be replaced with a way to copy all settings to an external drive and read and write them from there.
- NodeTree: The Wwise node (will come after initial release)
Other Road Mapped Features
- Ability to make changes to the Database and write to files later.
- Metadata Editing Directly on the Results List.
- DaVinci Resolve Target App Support
- User Interface: Fully Rearrangeable with Docking. (Ultra)
- Pop-out larger timecode window with Spectrum Analyzer.
- Eight User definable Database [fields] (This will come after the first release)
- Midi Triggering and Midi CC and maybe OSC Support (Standard and Higher)
- Faders levels on the QAP mixer. (Ultra)
- Screen Reader Support for Blind users.
Dropped Features or Technologies in 2024
- ReWire: basehead Connect replaces this ancient horrible old tech.
- CodeMeter (We will make our own pool-able licenses system that is lighter and more modern)
- VST2 is Replaced with VST3 in this version
- The Browser Page: Replaced by the new ‘Explode Folders’ function for ‘Imports’.
- BaseHead Server (cubeSQL): We made our own in house integrated version that is coming soon!
- RAM Database: No longer needed cuz searching is way faster then with RAM DB Search ON in old BH.
- Spotting to Generic Non-Hardwired DAWs. If they never made modern API, SDK or Scripting language the DAW is no longer supported besides via Drag and Drop.
- ‘Auto-Switching Paths’: We decided it’s not worth porting this code since it’s more for non-hardwired DAW’s. Basically…If the DAW manufacture doesn’t have an API we will no longer support them besides via Drag and Drop.