Category: PC DAW FAQ

What about Integration to other DAWs?

What about Integration to other DAWs? You can always Drag and Drop to any application that supports DnD directly from BaseHead, but as far as tighter integration, like the “Spot to Track” feature, that it isn’t possible unless...

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Does ReWire work with a 32 or 64 bit DAW?

Does ReWire work with a 32 or 64 bit DAW? version 4.x was 32 bit and 5.x and higher are 64 bit and ReWire requires the DAW to match the same bit rate. If on PC we recommend VoiceMeeter or Source Nexus as an alternative.If on Mac...

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Dragging Files from BH Doesn’t Work

When I try and drag any file from BaseHead or my Desktop to my DAW (Especially Pro Tools) it doesn’t work? You need to shut your UAC off to fix this.  It’s a known bug reported by Avid and that is their official fix for...

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