Category: basehead

Taglist Page

This Page of the this User Manual is still in Progress to be updated for version 2024. Taglist Page NEED TO ADD INFO ABOUT MULTIPLE LIST AND MANAGEMENT Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module...

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Search Bar and Blocks

Search Bar and BLOCKs The Search Bar is where all the magic happens! You can create complex search strings using the main search bar and by adding satellite search [field] blocks and then on top of that then add filter blocks on...

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Basic Actions

Basic Actions basehead offers a clean and uncluttered interface.  Almost all operational actions have keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow dramatically as we are not just designers, but also users of the program that was...

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Getting Started

Getting Started basehead uses a SQLite database format as it’s lite and nimble and all about speed and most of the program is Database driven for speed and precision that no other program can match our engine on the...

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This Page of the this User Manual is still in Progress to be updated for version 2024. Results List The Results List is where you will spend most your time. This is where all your library files and searches are displayed. You...

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Intro / Requirements

Lots of this KnowledgeBase is in Progress for 2024.  If you are using an older version then please look at the ONLINE MANUAL section instead. Intro Welcome to the basehead KnowledgeBase! This manual is constantly being updated...

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