Speed Demon Searching
Such Major Exciting Changes in version 2020.12 to end an otherwise crappy year for most of you. So to bring you a bit of joy is in these trying time we like to announce that….
Search Results are now 4-10 times faster! No it’s not April Fools Day already. 😉
In this version we are seeing complex searches that used to take 3.7 seconds now completed in only .2 seconds! (Yes that is POINT 2 seconds!) It’s near instantaneous now!
It truly feels like we just upgraded our already beastly 400HP Dodge Challenger to a 880HP Challenger Demon with a Supercharged Hemi V8!….Yeeaaa Haaaawww!
The new major Search/Database Options:
- Word Based Searching – Blazing fast word searching is now the new default Search Mode in BaseHead and to get these increased speeds you don’t need to do anything beside use the latest version.
- Deep Character Search – is basically the old default search mode great for older files named in CamelCase ex. “CarMetalCrashImpact”
- ‘Enable RAM Database’ option on the Options Page, loads the DB in RAM for faster ‘Deep Character Searches’. (Keep in Mind that it will increase RAM usage)
- Database Menu/Indexing Options: for non-DCS mode. Tick on the combo searches you use often and then click “Rebuild Indexes” to update the database to gain extra speed.
- Two new combo searches added [FName]+[Desc]+[Kwrds] AND [FName]+[Desc]+[Cat]+[Kwrds]
So what exactly changed?
This new default Speed Demon search mode is less of a deep search than the original and is ‘Word Based’ now instead of ‘Character Based’. It won’t return as much “noise” in your searches which is mostly desirable and it’s insanely fast! It will most likely be the choice of 95% of you guys from now on. Also now “rain” will not return “train” anymore. Keep in mind if you have lots of older files WithNoSpacesInThem (also known as CamelCase) then you might want to go back to the old ‘Deep Character Search’ mode by clicking the new “A” button to the right of the search boxes.
Example: if you are searching filenames and have a file labelled as “FreightTrainPassBy”, with Deep Search off, a search of “train” will NOT find this record. BaseHead was created back in the day when CamelCaseDescriptionsAndNames were the dominant format so the deep character search was most important then. Nowadays most people have modern libraries named with spaces or delimiters between the words so we have the best of both worlds that you can toggle between now!
FYI: the more words you type to search for the larger the speed increase you will see from the old way. 😉
Which OPTIONS to choose?
Basically….if you feel most your library is tagged non-CamelCaseStyle then don’t do anything and use the new default Word Based mode and when you feel you are not finding everything toggle ‘Deep Character Search’ mode on by press the ‘A’ icon to the right of the search boxes and switch to RAM for extra speed if you have some to spare and this is your desired search mode more than 50% of the time.
Also….If you feel you want to stick with ‘Deep Character Search’ mode mostly AND you use combo searches lots like [description+ filename+category] then create indexes for the ones you use most in the Database/Indexing Options menu for extra speed.
NOTE: There is no reason to have ‘Enable RAM Database’ ON without using the ‘Deep Character Search’ mode at the same time we have found. The new default word based mode by itself is crazy fast, so only enable the RAM DB if you have ‘DCS’ set to ON mostly.
Also the new Database/Indexing Options are not needed if you decide to stick with the new default search mode. Those only add speed benefits for DCS users. 😉
cubeSQL Users: You will need to be using a semi recent version to be able to use FTS mode. If you are using and old version then make sure to tick the “A” icon on to enter ‘Deep Character Search’ Mode until you are ready to upgrade.
Nuendo 11 and Cubase 11 Target App support also added in v2020.12!
Also major BaseHead Server changes in this version:
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- a ‘Validate’ account is no longer required for first time connect when using cubeSQL 5.8 or higher
- ‘Upload Databases’ direct to BaseHead Server from the Database Menu
- Ability to ‘Rename’ and ‘Delete’ Database from the BaseHead Clients also
- Rebuilding of Database Indexes also possible from Clients now!
- and ‘Import Rescan’ improvements done for (S)erver databases
NOTE: Limited/Intern accounts now need ‘PRIVELEDGES’ and ‘PRAGMA’ enabled in BaseHead Server (cubeSQL) starting in 2020.12 otherwise search error dialogs will appear. 😉
(see image below)

As always….This is a Free update from anyone that has an active Maintenance Period. You can check if it’s still active and extend it on the ‘My Licenses Page’