Non US characters r...
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Non US characters renaming at import

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Posts: 8
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Joined: 3 years ago

I know this is written in the General BaseHead FAQ. 

"When Spotting to Pro Tools using "S" why are some of my characters and being replaced with underscores "_"?

Avid’s region spotting API is ancient and only supports mainly Western characters. Unfortunately nothing from the East like Japanese, Chinese and Korean etc…

It’s best to the just use Drag and Drop instead of “S” or “X” if your SFX have non-western characters."


My problem is with the Swedish characters å ä ö, so not that special as the Japanese or Korean. And the filename will transfer correctly, it's just the naming in Pro Tools that will change. And if it's Avids API that's the problem, then it shouldn't work in Soundly or Soundminer either, but it does. So...why isn't it working correctly in Basehead?

I'm using the Demo of BH Ultra v2021.7.23 on Mac, and can't get higher at the moment.

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Posts: 309
Joined: 4 years ago

Open a ticket, attach an example file or a video showing the issue so we can investigate. Forums are for user help, issues are best handled by the support system. 
