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Mount remote drives prior to volume re-mapping

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Joined: 4 years ago


Is it possible to have Basehead mount a remote volume (eg smb for Windows/Mac or afp for Mac) when re-mapping a volume on-the-fly? So far, the mapping feature works beautifully as long as the remote volume is already mounted. In my case, the remote volume is on my Synology NAS but that's probably irrelevant

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Can you provide an example of exactly what you want to do and what is not working at the moment? 

Posts: 4
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Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Jason,

OK, here is my example.

I have a NAS drive with lots of storage space where I keep a copy of sounds that I have databased in Basehead off a local drive. Both the NAS volume and the local drive contain exactly the same sounds so the Basehead mapping feature works great. The way I use it is if, for whatever reason, I don't happen to have the local drive with me, I can login to my NAS, mount the sounds volume, turn on remapping and all is good. I can mount the NAS volume using

afp://ip.address/volume or


or Bonjour. 

then, as you'd expect, the volume appears available for use, mounted on the desktop (in my case, I'm using a mac)

It would be extra neat if Basehead could do the mounting perhaps by allowing the URL to be prepended to the path in one of the re-mapping fields. I have already tried this but it doesn't seem to work. Another useful feature would be if Basehead could run an external shell script prior to re-mapping.

Does that make sense?

Many thanks,

