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Highlighting/favouriting SFX

2 Posts
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Joined: 3 years ago

Hi All,

I'm just trialling BaseHead to see if it'll work for me for my various effects libraries.

I'm wondering - is there a way to highlight (ideally by colourisation) certain FX in a list. So, for example, if I have favoured effects that I know I need regularly, could I have those high lit green, say?

I wondered if grouping would do this to some extent, but it doesn't seem to. I was thinking I could possibly add one effect to several groups - so I can have a group of effects from a particular location, and a separate grouping (of the same FX) that are my favourites from there.

It doesn't look like any of this is possible, but let me know if I'm missing something - or indeed if it can be a feature request (and how those work!)

Many thanks,


1 Reply
Posts: 309
Joined: 4 years ago

There's several options for managing "favourites" but not using a rainbow of colours. Here are a few different ways people manage their favourites and "goto" sounds so explore these and see what works best for you. 



As you have already checked out, groups is the most obvious way to create some favourite collections of sounds and this does allow some colour coding to help you. Just create a group name, assign a color if you want then add files into a group by simply dragging. Any files in any library from your database can be dragged into groups and you can then easily just select a group to browse everything in it or by enabling to see the group column in the result list you will see a coloured tag which helps to locate sounds. This is probably the most common and best way of maintaining favourite collections:

Note that sounds can only belong to one group so this is best used with obvious sound tags to create managed groups of files within your database. 



Collections are more like folders than a favourites system and a bit more flexible than groups in that files can exist in multiple collection folders. You can create nested folders and can simply drag files into any folder. These do not have a highlighting colour option like groups tho but are designed so you can simply click a collection folder and browse files within it easily. Also very useful to create "project" folders so you can add sounds you need for a project into collection folders as a quick way to find them again and delete the collection when completed. 

An extra useful thing with collections is they are "universally" accessible so if you switch between databases, you can still access files from another database. You can also drag files from your computer direct into a collection without it having to be in an import library so very handy for temp files you need to work with that you don't want to import into your database. 


Tagging & Favourite Searches

The real power of BaseHead is the metadata system and searching capabilities. If you use the Comment/Notes/Description/Keyword fields for instance you can add as many tag words as you like to have sounds appear in searches. Just do a search and if you use a search all the time you can 

simply go down the PeekTree to "Recent Searches" and add it to your "Favorite Searches" which will create a kind of collection for you to easily recall but this will be dynamic so any newly tagged files appear in your fav search. 


So a few options that can help manage your collection. I know what you are driving at with having coloured bars show the files you have favorited and you can add a feature request for this such as to maybe highlight files (as an option) that exist in a collection.

