Thanks for Purchasing Injector!
Are you ready to Rip and Inject those ancient sound effects CD’s? 😉
All authorization info we need is made thru the License Request application now.
License Request is embedded inside BaseHead and Injector by clicking the ‘Register’ button from the Start Screen and then ‘Launch Now’ on the Register Panel.
You can also download it à la carte below if you’re having troubles launching from instead BH or Injector.
DOWNLOAD License Request:
After you’ve launched it, choose the authorization you want to use and press the ‘Create’ button to either email the files direct from the application to us or to download them locally so you can email them with your own email client. Once we received your request files, a REAL LIVE HUMAN will need to process it and send you an license update file with final instructions to get you up and running. So please be patient.
Unfortunately Injector never had a Trial Un-Lock code added to it we’re super sorry for the extra wait, but considering the CD’s you are trying to Rip and Inject are over 15+ years old a few more hours won’t probably hurt….hehe 😛
Thanks so much for understanding and being patient!
Some things to bookmark below….
While you are waiting also make sure and join the NewsLetter below, so you don’t miss out on any groovy updates. 😉