
basehead 2024 (Pre-Order)


SKU: 2-2 Category:

This is item is to Pre-Order basehead 2024 to help fund it's ending phases of it's development.
This is a new Perpetual Perpetual License that includes 24 Months of Free Updates and Premium Support instead of just 12.
If you are new to basehead you can see a feature comparison list at this link

Since this is a special order...
So please give us 12-24 hours to deposit the license into your account.  This same license can also be also used on the current released 2023 version or Public BETA of basehead 2024.

Additional information

Select Version

Ultra Edition, Standard Edition, Lite Edition

Support & Updates

12 Months (Included), +One Extra Year (24 Months), +Two Extra Years (36 Months)

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