Is my BaseHead DAW Plugin Up to date?
This page will tell you if your hardwired integration plugin for your DAW is current or not!
If not, grab the latest full installer from the Main Downloads Page for your platform unless otherwise noted.
NOTE: this is mainly for macOS plugins currently since we were forced to stop installing them directly inside BaseHead.
Current Nuendo/Cubase SKI is
build 20.21.11 that comes in the BaseHead PC v2021.11 Full Installer (or higher) and v2022.04.01 for macOS
To check your current SKI version…
Launch Nuendo/Cubase and look inside the Program Plugins Tab in System Component Information. (See image to right)
Current REAPER RPI version:
Mac: (2022.4.0)
PC: (N/A)
Current Premiere Pro
Mac: (version 5.2.1)
PC: (version 5.2.1)
This plugin can be updated via the Adobe Exchange now.
Pro Tools and Logic Pro X
Both these DAW’s do NOT use separate plugins
and just use basic Apple Events currently.