Wildcards in search...
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Wildcards in searches

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Would love to be able to specify a wildcard in a search, one for a single character, and one for ANY text. Like ? and * in Unix shell contexts, for instance.

Example: consider production audio context (it's an easy example -- this would be useful in any other as well -- people chime in here with yours if you like the idea), with files having Scene and Take metadata. The files are named also in Scene_take.wav format, for simplicity's sake. Let's say I would like to find all takes of Scene 3.

I'd love to be able to search the Scene field for "3?" to at least show me all takes of scenes STARTING with 3. Of  course it'll include 30,31, etc. which is not what I want but it's way better compared to getting results for everything that CONTAINS 3, like 133, 13, etc.

OR, I could search a Filename field for "3*_*" to do the same...

Currently, I do not see a way to do this...

Another extra cherry on top for this feature would be wildcards matching a single NON-digit (non-numeric characters only) and single numeric character... Then my search above could be made EXACT...

Wildcards could be a double character to make them unique, or maybe ? and * could be used with an escape at first like \? and \* -- etc. etc. but some wildcard options would be super useful to narrow searches down and to be able to specify "starts with..." or "ends with" and not just . "contains" or "is exactly"